IRth Care Presents:

Your Chance!

(Ihre Gelegenheit!)

Our internal crowdfunding campaign, where we identify and fund ideas we want to pursue. There are 3 stages:

Problem Identification

Starts June 5

Identify and upvote problems where we should be innovating within the IR organization.


Idea Generation

Starts June 25

Submit, collaborate, and review ideas for crowdfunding that address our defined problem areas.



Starts July 23

Everyone who participates in idea collaboration will get a time-based budget to invest in ideas.

Start Crowdfunding
Pitch Day

Save the date for Pitch Day on
July 13, where you can share your idea in 2 minutes and answer questions from your fellow investors!

More Information

IRth Care is a small team focusing on Continuous Improvement (CI) at AbbVie. Please contact Ruth Ciamarra and Renee Philip for questions and to volunteer to pitch your idea at Pitch Day! Learn more about CI on our dashboard – go/IRthCare.


The executive sponsors for this program are Lia Bronson and Roy Ladd.

Why Crowdfund at AbbVie

A key pillar of successful continuous improvement efforts is working on the things that have the highest likelihood of increasing value of the company.